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February 14, 2019
12:00 am - 12:00 am
Foster Swift Law Office Lansing
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Global Business Club of Mid-Michigan: Making the Most of International Trade Shows with MI Ag Exporter Dr. John’s Healthy Sweets

February 14, 2019
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Global Business Club of Mid-Michigan: Making the Most of International Trade Shows with MI Ag Exporter Dr. John’s Healthy Sweets

February 14, 2019

Speaker Dr. John’s Healthy Sweets

NEW DATE: Laura Deierlein from SPROUTwide Global and Jean Schtokal from FosterSwift will prepare you for your upcoming travels to meet new clients. Topics will include: Market Evaluation, Choosing A Show, Fit, Strategic Partnerships, Knowing Your Numbers, Timelines for Success, Legal Compliance Issues, & Intellectual Property Protections. All attendees will be presented with a work-booklet to help them develop a strategic plan for identifying and approaching international trade shows. Our luncheon keynote will be presented by the 2018 Michigan Agricultural Exporter of the Year, Dr. John’s Healthy Sweets. Dr. John’s has found export success globally, with a focus on Asian markets, and will share their experience expanding globally.

The Global Business Club of Mid-Michigan focuses on global issues of interest to the mid-Michigan business community. The monthly GB Club luncheons provide outstanding speakers and relaxed networking opportunities. With extensive international experience, the speakers wrap personal insights around a practical and up-to-the-minute approach to conducting international trade.

February 14, 2019
12:00 am - 12:00 am
Foster Swift Law Office Lansing
313 South WA Square
Lansing, 48933 United States