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Wednesday Oct. 16
The MSU International Business Center’s Global Business Club is partnering with the highly regarded IBT Online to offer a webinar focused on best practices in e-commerce to grow your business internationally.  Among other topics, this session will cover how to have an effective digital strategy and how to build high converting and localized websites. For…
Friday Oct. 25
The 12th International Business Institute for Community College Faculty is a continuation of the biennial program the Michigan State University International Business Center / CIBER has been running since 1995. With four sessions, this one-day conference focuses on why and how to include international business content into community college curriculum. Topics include:  Designing Introductory Courses…
Friday Nov. 15
IBC/MSU-CIBER is organizing an international business student case competition in the Broad College. The student teams will have 3 days to work on the business case and present their solutions to a panel of industry judges. Each presentation will last for 20 min, followed by 10 min Q&A session. You are invited! $4,000 competition award…