S. Tamer Cavusgil, Georgia State University
Nicole Coviello, Wilfrid Laurier University
David A Griffith, Texas A&M University
Saeed Samiee, The University of Tulsa
Crafting good articles for scholarly journals is both an art and a science. Highly cited/seminal articles start with a compelling proposition, follow a logical structure, present a clear exposition, and feature engaging and parsimonious writing. Yet, most of us encounter difficulty with putting these ideas into practice. In this conversation with four seasoned scholars, you will receive helpful and specific guidance as to enhancing the quality of your academic writing.
Key Take-aways:
What are best practices in crafting effective academic articles? How do you go about refining your writing skills?
What are the common faults editors and reviewers associate with poorly written manuscripts?
What are some specific suggestions that can benefit early career researchers in improving their academic writing?
What makes a good abstract?
The four speakers will provide a personalized feedback on a one-page abstract for the first 20 educators who register to this webinar. Once registered, please email your one-page abstract to: gsuciber@gsu.edu