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The Broad School provides grants to faculty, doctoral students, and staff for curriculum development, professional development, global speaker programs and research. In unique cases, the Broad School, via its Center for International Business Education and Research, also provide grants to faculty and doctoral students from other universities as a part of its mission to increase the international competitiveness of the U.S. Click on the appropriate link to apply for one of these grants.

The Broad School also has a long-standing tradition of receiving external grants that help leverage other forms of funding provided to the school for research, teaching, and outreach activities (e.g., public funding, contracts, corporate support). The grants come from various agencies (e.g., National Science Foundation, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy, U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Department of Education, U.S. Department of State), corporations (e.g., AT Kearney, Dow Chemical, FedEx, Hershey Foods, IBM, Nabisco, UPS, Whirlpool), and associations (e.g., Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals, Institute of Supply Management, Marketing Science Institute).

To apply, select the type of international business grant you are interested in below (to adhere to the Federal regulations governing the scope of the Centers for International Business Education and Research, please ensure that your grant is international business-oriented by reading the editorial on “What Makes a Study Sufficiently International” by Rosalie L. Tung and Arjen van Witteloostuijn in the Journal of International Business Studies).

Grant proposals focused on international business issues pertaining to the three pillars of Michigan State University’s Broad College of Business are strongly preferred. They are:

  1. leading through teams that produce transformational ideas
  2. global value chain for integrative thinking
  3. data driven strategic analytics