Faculty and doctoral students are invited to apply for MSU-CIBER grants to support curriculum development that are of importance to international competitiveness of U.S. firms. MSU-CIBER operates on a monthly review cycle, and proposals may be submitted at any time. As a policy, MSU-CIBER supports scholarly activities that have a significant international dimension.
Faculty are invited to submit applications for CIBER Curriculum Development Grants to strengthen the international dimensions in business education and thereby contribute to the preparation of well-informed business leaders and the improvements of U.S. competitiveness in the global economy. Funds will be awarded for the following types of projects, listed in order of priority:
Applications should include the application form with a narrative proposal, two to five pages in length. The proposal should document the rationale for the curriculum project (need, objectives, impact) and discuss the content of the new/revised course.
As proposals are reviewed, the first consideration in evaluating a project will be its relevance to U.S. competitiveness in the global marketplace. You are urged to emphasize that aspect of the proposal.
After a grant is provided and the project completed, a report must be submitted to the Center for International Business Education and Research. The report should include a summary of accomplishments, a brief accounting of how grant funds were actually spent, and a copy of the syllabus for the new/revised course and/or any materials as part of the curriculum project.
If you have questions or need more information about MSU-CIBER’s Curriculum Development Grant Program, please contact:
Irem Kiyak
Associate Director
International Business Center
Eppley Center
667 N. Shaw Ln Suite 413
East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA
1-517-353-4336, ciber@msu.edu
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