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Faculty and doctoral students are invited to apply for MSU-CIBER grants to support curriculum development that are of importance to international competitiveness of U.S. firms. MSU-CIBER operates on a monthly review cycle, and proposals may be submitted at any time. As a policy, MSU-CIBER supports scholarly activities that have a significant international dimension.

Online Application

Application Information

Faculty are invited to submit applications for CIBER Curriculum Development Grants to strengthen the international dimensions in business education and thereby contribute to the preparation of well-informed business leaders and the improvements of U.S. competitiveness in the global economy. Funds will be awarded for the following types of projects, listed in order of priority:

  1. Modification of existing course to add more international content.
  2. Development of new departmental courses with an international, cross-national, or comparative focus.
  3. Development of interdisciplinary courses with an international, cross-national, or comparative focus.
  4. Identification and/or development of curriculum materials that will add international, cross-national, or comparative dimensions to an existing course or sequence.

Applications should include the application form with a narrative proposal, two to five pages in length. The proposal should document the rationale for the curriculum project (need, objectives, impact) and discuss the content of the new/revised course.

As proposals are reviewed, the first consideration in evaluating a project will be its relevance to U.S. competitiveness in the global marketplace. You are urged to emphasize that aspect of the proposal.

Reporting of Results

After a grant is provided and the project completed, a report must be submitted to the Center for International Business Education and Research. The report should include a summary of accomplishments, a brief accounting of how grant funds were actually spent, and a copy of the syllabus for the new/revised course and/or any materials as part of the curriculum project.

If you have questions or need more information about MSU-CIBER’s Curriculum Development Grant Program, please contact:

Irem Kiyak
Associate Director
International Business Center
Eppley Center
667 N. Shaw Ln Suite 413
East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA


Application Procedure

  1. Fill out the following Curriculum Development Grants Application Form
  2. Press the ‘Submit Application’ Button at the bottom

Curriculum Development Grants Application Form

Curriculum Development Grants Application Form

"*" indicates required fields

Campus Address*

Proposed Funding Period

Project Title/Description

Short and to the point, e.g., "Review and redesign of MSC 300 Managerial Marketing to improve the international content."



Relevance to Global Competetiveness of U.S. Firms


Number of Students Affected


Provide as detailed and as accurate a budget as possible, noting one or more of the following as appropriate
  1. Faculty release time (specify: term and percent load)
  2. Graduate Assistants
  3. Clerical help
  4. Supplies, printing, etc. (give as much of an accurate estimate as possible of probable costs in this area)
  5. Guest lecturers and consultants (while limited and modest support can be arranged for off-campus consultants, it is hoped that curriculum development projects will draw upon the expertise of on-campus faculty and staff)
  6. Travel (specify: Dates of departure and return, Destination(s), Budget (itemized estimates for transportation, lodging, meals, and any other expenses), Other sources of support (potential as well as committed). Airline carrier and flight number must be submitted if this involves international travel (U.S. airline carriers are required for international travel due to Fly America Act))
  7. Audio-visual materials

Evaluation Procedures

Plan of Operation

Personnel Involved

Relation to Other Curricula

Narrative Proposal

MSU-CIBER Mission Statement