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Faculty are invited to apply for MSU-CIBER grants to support curriculum development efforts in an effort to globalize business education at MSU. According to the US Department of Education definitions: A non-business course in any international studies discipline will be considered an international business course if 25% or more of the course has business content (a business school course will be considered international if 25% or more of the course content is international). IBC/MSU-CIBER is providing these grants for faculty members at the Broad College of Business and MSU to invite speakers to share their views on any global business topic that is likely to be of interest to any section of the MSU community. MSU-CIBER operates on a monthly review cycle, and proposals may be submitted at any time.

Online Application

Application Information

Possible formats for such an event include, but are not restricted to:

  1. one-time speaker session with one guest,
  2. one-time panel session with multiple speakers, or
  3. series of sessions involving different speakers.

The session(s) may be a part of course instruction (i.e., held during normal instruction times), that has at least 25% business content or as an additional session outside of instruction time. With this in mind, MSU faculty are encouraged to invite speakers with substantial global business expertise and/or authors of books and scholars whose work serves as reading material for a course that has at least 25% business content. Funding is to be used to cover speaker fees up to $250 per person, and awards will be capped at $1,500 (for multiple invited speakers). Proposals will be accepted on a rolling basis.

Reporting of Results

The sponsoring faculty member is required to notify MSU-CIBER (via email to Irem Kiyak at an estimate of the number of participants who attended each session.

If you have questions or need more information about this grant program, please contact:

Irem Kiyak
Associate Director
International Business Center
Eppley Center
667 N. Shaw Ln Suite 413
East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA

Appllcation Procedure

  1. Fill out the following Global Speaker Program Grants Application Form
  2. Press the ‘Submit Application’ Button at the bottom

Global Speaker Program Grants Application Form

"*" indicates required fields

Sponsoring MSU faculty member information

Campus Address*

Proposed Global Speaker

List the proposed speakers you plan to invite. You may list more proposed speakers than the number of Global Speaker Sessions you intend to have.
Open of Closed Session?*
A closed session is only for student registered for a specified course, while an open session allows for participation of the general MSU community.

Funding Request