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Wednesday Mar. 21 - Mar. 23
The NASBITE International Annual Conference, March 22-23, draws educators, exporters, specialists, and students from all across North America. The Conference offers a variety of education and networking opportunities and seeks to recognize outstanding and innovative developments in the area of international trade education, counseling, training, and research. The National Small Business Exporter Summit on March 21 showcases best-in-class exporters from around the country who share their expertise in exporting excellence.
Saturday Jul. 12
The workshop is designed for faculty and administrators considering or actively engaged in the internationalization of business courses, programs, and/or certifica tes on their campus. Modeled on the Biennial International Business Institute for Community College Faculty, this workshop aims to introduce participants to the knowledge and resources they need to internationalize general business courses and/or develop specialized international business courses at the two-year college level.