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Wednesday Sep. 13
Speaker Speakers: U.S. and Canadian Government Officials and Michigan Exporters Panel REGISTRATION DEADLINE SEPTEMBER 10, 2023. As the 1st event in the Global Business Club of Michigan Market Spotlight Series MSU International Business Center is excited to partner with MSU Canadian Studies Center to highlight the Canadian market. The Spotlight on Canada event will feature U.S. & Canadian government officials, a Michigan Exporters Business Panel, networking, and 1-on-1 meetings with trade service providers. 10:30am: Doors Open 11:00am: Government speakers including Connie Irrera, U.S. Commercial Service-Montreal; Yvonne Gruenthaler, Vice Council and Trade Commissioner, Canadian Consulate-Detroit; Laurie Tannous, President of Canada U.S. Business Association 11:45am: Michigan Exporters Panel moderated by Alyssa Tracey, Director of International Trade. Panelists include Mary Safie, President-Safie Specialty Foods; Chuck Bird, Senior Director-Neogen; Ben Tyndell, President & CEO, Tyndell Photography 12:30pm: Lunch 1:30pm: Networking, 1-on-1 meetings, Federal Reserve Tour For questions contact MSU Assistant Director Hannah Pszenica at The Global Business Club of Mid-Michigan focuses on global issues of interest to the mid-Michigan business community. The monthly GB Club luncheons provide outstanding speakers and relaxed networking opportunities. With extensive international experience, the speakers wrap personal insights around a practical and up-to-the-minute approach to conducting international trade.