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Friday Sep. 19
A day of global engagement including sessions on building partnerships and strategic alliances, cybersecurity, and a diplomats roundtable.
Thursday Jul. 12
ITA-CSC Trade Promotion workshops are aimed at small- and medium-sized businesses in Michigan, as well as the agencies that serve them (e.g., chambers of commerce, economic development corporations, small business development groups). The initial series of workshops will consist of four, day-long in-services designed to provide attendees with a broad understanding of U.S. and Canadian trading protocols and procedures. Attendees will be invited to help plan a follow-up series of workshops by completing an end-of-session survey on their specific interests and priorities.
Friday Apr. 25
Coskun Samli, Professor of Marketing & International Business from the University of North Florida, will present a research seminar titled "Globalization Process and Quality of Life in Third World Countries: The Need for a Second Wave."