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Saturday Apr. 17
On Saturday, April 17, 2010, MSU will again invite hundreds of high school students, teachers, administrators, and parents to campus to explore a world of languages during the Sixth Annual World Languages Day. Free to all participants, this day-long conference will focus on the experiences that languages offer, and highlight the opportunities available for language and international study at MSU.
Sunday Jun. 7 - Jun. 11
The 8th Biennial International Business Institute for Community College Faculty is a unique professional development program designed specifically for community and technical college faculty. The aim of the Institute is to provide participants with the knowledge, experience and resources they need to internationalize general business courses and/or develop specialized international business courses at the two-year college level.
Saturday Apr. 18
Michigan State University is known worldwide for its commitment to international education in an era of ever-increasing globalization. With more than 200 study abroad programs and approximately 50 languages offered on campus, MSU is one of the leading universities in the country for internationalizing the student experience. On Saturday, April 18, 2009, MSU will again invite hundreds of high school students, teachers, administrators, and parents to campus to explore a world of languages during the Fifth Annual World Languages Day. Free to all participants, this day-long conference will focus on the experiences that languages offer, and highlight the opportunities available for language and international study at MSU.
Saturday Apr. 11 - Apr. 12
CATJ annual conferences provide a forum for discussion of major issues relating to the quality and future of Japanese language instruction in the U.S., as well as problems unique to our setting. One of the major issues to be discussed at this year's conference is the preparation of students for entry into business communities.
Monday Jun. 2 - Jun. 5
The Advanced International Business Institute (AIBI) for Community College Faculty is a unique faculty development program. It is designed for community college faculty who have previously attended international business faculty development workshops, seminars, or conferences, as well as faculty who bring previous international business experience to their classrooms, and international business program administrators. Topics to be covered in the AIBI include: classroom tools and course development, developing and maintaining IB programs, and best practices in IB integration. The AIBI will also offer small group breakout sessions for faculty to tackle and resolve their own IB challenges and concerns.
Saturday Apr. 12
World Languages Day is a free, all-day conference for high school students, teachers, and parents. Participants can choose from a wide variety of sessions on language, culture, globalization, and general information about Michigan State University.
Friday Jun. 1 - Aug. 24
Every summer since 1997, CLEAR has offered professional development workshops. Teachers of all levels, especially K-12, from all over the country (and internationally) have come to MSU's campus for these practical, informative and timely courses. The range of workshop topics includes both skills-based workshops and sessions on how to incorporate technology into the language classroom. The summer 2007 offerings have not yet been determined, but updated information will be published soon.
Saturday Apr. 21
MSU will invite hundreds of high school students, teachers, administrators, and parents to campus to explore a world of languages during the third annual World Languages Day on April 21, 2007. Free to all participants, this annual event focuses on the experiences that languages offer, and highlights the opportunities available for language study at MSU. Participants choose from dozens of sessions ranging from "Bollywood dreams: Discover India through Hindi Cinema" and "Banane! How to speak French using food vocabulary" to "The sword and Zen: An introduction to Iajutsu". Sponsored by over 15 different campus departments and units, this event draws students, teachers, and parents from all over Michigan.
Wednesday Apr. 5 - Apr. 7
Please join us for the 3rd Annual Center for Latin American & Caribbean (CLACS) Studies Student Conference at Michigan State University. Undergraduate students from all disciplines are encouraged to submit abstracts of papers on topics relating to Latin America and the Caribbean such as migration, environment, biodiversity, education, finance, trade, social movements, history, politics, development, media, arts and literature. This can involve work for a class, independent study or as part of a study abroad program. Faculty will select the best three papers for prizes.
Wednesday Nov. 17
Jonathan Elendu's presentation will focus current events and business climate in Nigeria. He will highlight excerpt from his newest book The Amazon Takes a Bow.