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Tuesday Jan. 30 - Feb. 2
AACCs Workforce Development Institute 2018(WDI) continues to be a pre-eminent opportunity for in-depth exchanges and networking for economic and workforce leaders at community colleges and their partners. On campuses and in communities across the country, innovation abounds: in program design, development, and delivery, in services to students and employers, and in creative solutions to workforce and economic development challenges.
Monday Jun. 27 - Jun. 30
Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business (AIB); the leading association of scholars and specialists in the field of international business. The 2016 meeting will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA on June 27-30, 2016.
Wednesday Jan. 20 - Jan. 23
AACC's Workforce Development Institute continues to be a pre-eminent opportunity for in-depth exchanges and networking for economic and workforce leaders at community colleges and their partners.
Tuesday May. 15 - May. 19
JAMS Editor Tomas Hult will be at the Academy of Marketing Science conference and will also participate in a Meet the Editor's panel. Stop by if you are attending AMS! He will also present the annual best paper award to Shelby Hunt at the awards luncheon (also check the program for a session in which Prof. Hunt will discuss his winning paper).