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Wednesday Mar. 30
This second event in the MSU Office of China Programs China and the World Spring series will focus on research conducted by members of Stanford's Center on China's Economy and Institutions (SCCEI) and their research collaborators at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The findings are based on years of collaboration and highlight China's monumental conservation efforts. Faculty from Stanford, MSU, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences will discuss the impact and implications of their own and related research in this field. We encourage you to read this two page brief from SCCEI prior to attending the event:
Thursday Mar. 31
Generally speaking, lecturers find it hard to integrate a written case or a video case into their existing syllabus. They may find themselves spending considerable amount of time, spotting a relevant case and trying to figure out how to use it in the most pedagogical way. Apart from finding a relevant case, lecturers can also find relating the case to their syllabus demanding. This webinar aims to address these issues, tackling the problem from lecturers' perspective, offering some ready-to-use tips from panelists This webinar is free and open to all, but registration is required. Please click on website link for additional information and to register.
Friday Apr. 8
VALUE AND BEST PRACTICES FOR EDUCATION ABROAD PROGRAMS A half-day, virtual workshop by the Michigan State University Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER). This webinar will provide participants with the knowledge, experience, and resources needed to design an education abroad program at the two-year college level. Session topics will include advocacy for the value of education abroad, best practice models for oversight and operations, COVID response, and examples of successful and innovative education abroad programs. The workshop is specifically targeted towards community college business faculty. MEETING INFO: DATE: Apr. 8th, 2022 TIME: 10:00am - 12:30pm EST LOCATION: Zoom FEE: Free
Tuesday Apr. 12
Baseball legend John Smoltz will discuss his time in Lansing, his career path, and the importance of getting out of your comfort zone and overcoming the fear of failure.
Wednesday Apr. 13
This is a recurring symposium series that examines several high profile topics about China's emerging presence in the world to offer complexity, divergent and multiple perspectives, and analytic insight about China that goes beyond the headlines. The goal is a public discussion, grounded in scholarship, that makes possible open and informed dialogue. Panels will focus on relevant and timely topics related to China and will allow ample time for Q&A. Audience members are also welcome to suggest topics for future panels. This series is free and open to the public. For more information please visit the China & the World: Beyond the Headlines webpage. Presented in partnership with the Stanford Center in China's Economy and Institutions, US-China Business Council, and the Office of China Programs Co-sponsored by APA Studies Program, Asian Studies Center, Chinese Faculty Club, International Business Center, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, International Studies & Programs, Office of International Studies in Education, Broad China Business Society
Thursday Apr. 14
Fintechs potential to transform international business has generated a tremendous amount of excitement across industries. In this webinar, three international experts in the emerging field of fintech will share with the audience key recommendations to leverage fintech opportunities in international trade and investment. The speakers will reveal, among other things, the following: How blockchain works. Understand when it makes sense to use blockchain in international business. Take a practical perspective on quantum computing and blockchain technologies and their impact on international business. See where quantum computing and blockchain are heading and where the two may intercept. Discover new fintech startups that has the potential to transform international business as we know it. This webinar is FREE and open to all, but registration is required. Zoom details will be sent to all registered participants
Thursday Apr. 21
This webinar has a wider scope than IB, aiming to give a broad view on the use of digital technologies in education. More specifically, it will cover the use of multimedia in higher education. We know that the use of multimedia in teaching has become more significant and popular in teaching, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, bringing in both its perils and prejudices with it. Our panelists will share some of the most recent publications done on the use of digital technologies in education. Furthermore, they will be addressing more specifically on the use of multimedia and its impact as a pedagogical tool. This is a free webinar, but registration is required prior to the event. Click on website link for more information.
Tuesday Apr. 26
Young entrepreneurs put their heart, soul, creativity and themselves into their inventions, ideas, products and businesses. Their creativity and investment in their ideas contribute to global societal change and progress and the freedom to run their own businesses. What does integrity mean to a young entrepreneur? Protecting their ideas, reputation, investment of self.What happens when that integrity is disrupted by someone faking their product or marks? This year's World Intellectual Property Day 2022 theme focuses directly on those great mindsthe young, energetic, ingenuitive entrepreneurs of the world. We are presented with the unique opportunity to implement vital knowledge of intellectual property rights to those future innovators who will, in turn, supply the world with their own intellectual property. These creators of the world, when equipped with this knowledge of how to effectively navigate the rules and regulations of the digital space, set themselves apart from their predecessors.
Thursday Apr. 28
What is the meaning and relevance of sustainability for contemporary businesses? What are the contextual drivers and contingencies imposed? What is the future outlook for sustainability efforts? How should we approach the teaching of sustainability in the business curriculum? Just a few months before the entire world shut down due to the global pandemic, the World Economic Forums Davos 2020 manifesto stated that a company serves not only its shareholders, but all its stakeholders . Today, notions such as responsible business, purpose-led business, conscious capitalism, stakeholder capitalism, brand activism, etc., have risen to the top of the agenda of businesses, and academics are paying due attention. Practice of sustainability goes beyond the governmental actions and incorporates operations and strategies of both large and small firms, traditional as well as state-of-the-art business models, and new digital enterprises. This is a free webinar, but registration is required to received zoom details.
Friday Apr. 29
For this webinar, we invited three well-established international business/marketing scholars who have published important work related to the topic of exporting. Our panelists will discuss their perspectives on the opportunities available for high impact exporting research, as well as addressing contemporary conceptual and methodological best practices necessary for publishing work in the area. This webinar will include short presentations followed by a discussion moderated by the co-hosts.
Thursday May. 5
This webinar is the first of a two-part webinar focusing on Research in International Entrepreneurship.A webinar on teaching International Entrepreneurship and addressing emerging topics and approaches in teaching IE. About the IE Research Webinar This workshop will highlight the key trends, topics and techniques emerging in IE research. We will discuss implications for the field and your research, including an extended Q&A session. This webinar is FREE and open to all, but registration is required. Zoom details will be sent to all registered participants. Please click on the website link for registration.
Thursday May. 12
This webinar is the second of a two-part webinar focusing on International Entrepreneurship.This webinar will focus on teaching International Entrepreneurship and address emerging topics and approaches in teaching IE. About the IE Research Webinar This workshop will highlight the key trends, topics and techniques emerging in IE research. We will discuss implications for the field and your research, including an extended Q&A session. In this workshop, you will learn: ·Emerging (and declining) topics in IE research ·New research techniques that could benefit your IE research ·Publishing tips This webinar is FREE and open to all, but registration is required. Zoom details will be sent to all registered participants.
Tuesday May. 17
Dr. Dean Foreman, chief economist atAmerican Petroleum Institute,will discuss the current outlook for U.S. and global oil and natural gas markets at the May 17 Lansing Economic Club. Dr. Foreman, who is known for his extensive knowledge of energy markets and ability to use advanced analytics to assess market risks, will discuss the factors influencing market conditions before and after Russia's unprovoked war on Ukraine, including macroeconomic expectations and the impact of price inflation, supply chain disruptions, and workforce issues. Dr. Foreman will also focus on the pace and need for capital investment and enabling pipeline infrastructure and trade through the energy value chain, including zooming in on Michigans economy, which requires abundant and low-cost energy to grow and maintain its competitiveness.
Thursday May. 19
In this webinar, we will discuss a framework for teaching the integrating role of the finance function in the management of a global business. We will introduce and discuss two diagrams, corporate strategic framework diagram and free cash flow diagram, which we have used in the context of a global management simulation game, and demonstrate specific examples of their use in the classroom. Key Takeaways: 1. The hierarchical relationship of corporate strategy, operating strategy, and financial strategy. 2. Free cash flow as an important indicator of the operating performance of a firm. 3. The potential benefits of management simulations in teaching global business management. This is a free webinar, but registration is required.
Thursday May. 26
This webinar provides an introduction to bibliometrics as a research tool, the basic steps in preparing and implementing a bibliometrics project, ways of analyzing and discussing data-driven results, and providing frameworks for guiding future research. The webinar will provide several examples of how bibliometrics has been used in international marketing/business. Key Takeaways: Understanding bibliometrics as a research tool to explore various disciplines or topics within a discipline. A stepwise guide to undertaking bibliometrics research. Developing data-driven conceptual frameworks as means of guiding future research This is a free webinar, but pre-registration is required.
Tuesday Jun. 7
The event's featured speaker is Mark de la Vergne, vice president of project development at Cavnue. Mark works closely with transportation officials from across the country and local project stakeholders to build the roadmap for the future of their roads. During the presentation, Mark will discuss the rapid advancement of technology on vehicles and how the future of roads can accelerate the benefits of automated and autonomous vehicles. He will also provide an update on the MDOT/Cavnue Michigan project that was announced by Governor Whitmer in 2020.
Thursday Jun. 9
In the world of academia, in which the rule publish or perish seem to prevail, teaching frequently remains in the backstage. In this webinar, we discuss with senior scholars who managed to pursue remarkable careers as International Business (IB) researchers, educators, and institution builders. Moreover, the seniority of this panel participants did not prevent them from staying relevant and interesting for their always-young audience in the volatile and disruptively transforming global environment. Join us on June 9th, 2022 at 11 am EST, to explore self-development practices for sustainable career as an IB educator. This webinar is FREE and open to all, but registration is required. Zoom details will be sent to all registered participants.
Thursday Jun. 16
Web3, blockchain, crypto, distributed ledger technology, tokens, NFTs...and many other words that are hard to understand and explain are filling up international business news. Research in the field of International Business (IB) on the blockchain-based businesses is only emerging leaving IB educators with little guidance on how to teach about these important, yet, highly complex innovations to their students. In this webinar, we have a unique opportunity to learn from distinguished entrepreneurs who are creating the blockchain-based business space. Aliaksandr Sasha Hudzilin will reflect on creating ecosystems for global blockchain projects; will discuss how blockchain is changing gaming and other industries, and will introduce a number of resources that are suitable for everyone interested to start learning about blockchain-based business space. Andrius Bartminas will help us uncover the secrets behind the cryptocurrencies and the colorful world of NFTs, will describe the use cases of NFTs awaiting in international business daily operations. Last, but not least Laura K. Inamedinova, will help us understand how Web3 is transforming international marketing practices and how to successfully develop blockchain-based global business. This webinar is FREE and open to all, but registration is required. Zoom details will be sent to all registered participants.
Wednesday Jul. 6 - Jul. 9
The Academy of International Business (AIB) holds annual meetings each summer (June-July) in various predetermined locations around the world. Each conference features a combination of plenaries, panels, and papers. All papers presented at AIB conferences go through a double-blind review process. The abstracts of the presented papers are published as a conference proceeding. For more information regarding the AIB Miami conference, including membership and registration info, click the website information link below. Pre-conference events begin on July 5th. Virtual Conference on July 15, 2022.