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Wednesday Jun. 2
Speaker Turkey and Central Eurasia Speaker Panel This panel on Turkey and Central Eurasia is the first in a series of inquiries sponsored by several MSU centers and programs into The Geopolitics and Economics of Central Eurasia and Its Neighbors. Future panels will look at China, Russia, Europe and other external actors to explore trans-regional relationships and interactions, as Chinas Belt and Road Initiative plays out, Russia seeks to regain dominant influence over former Soviet regions in its near abroad, and Turkey seeks to unite the Turkic language speaking world in what some have termed Neo-Ottomanism The Global Business Club of Mid-Michigan focuses on global issues of interest to the mid-Michigan business community. The monthly GB Club luncheons provide outstanding speakers and relaxed networking opportunities. With extensive international experience, the speakers wrap personal insights around a practical and up-to-the-minute approach to conducting international trade.
Tuesday Jun. 15 - Jun. 17
This three-day event will discuss trademark protection issues in Latin America. The event will feature interactive discussion forums and will also provide space for small group discussions. The main sessions will be in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Thursday Jul. 8
Featuring: S. Tamer Cavusgil, Georgia State University Nicole Coviello, Wilfrid Laurier University David A Griffith, Texas A&M University Saeed Samiee, The University of Tulsa Crafting good articles for scholarly journals is both an art and a science. Highly cited/seminal articles start with a compelling proposition, follow a logical structure, present a clear exposition, and feature engaging and parsimonious writing. Yet, most of us encounter difficulty with putting these ideas into practice. In this conversation with four seasoned scholars, you will receive helpful and specific guidance as to enhancing the quality of your academic writing. Key Take-aways: What are best practices in crafting effective academic articles? How do you go about refining your writing skills? What are the common faults editors and reviewers associate with poorly written manuscripts? What are some specific suggestions that can benefit early career researchers in improving their academic writing? What makes a good abstract? Note: The four speakers will provide a personalized feedback on a one-page abstract for the first 20 educators who register to this webinar. Once registered, please email your one-page abstract to:
Thursday Jul. 15
Maintaining rigorous and relevance of their educations are among the two top priorities of business schools. One potential way to achieve these goals is to design and execute a successful DBA program. DBA programs allow business professionals to achieve a doctorate degree while working full-time. These interdisciplinary doctorates emphasize application of rigorous research to solve practical business problems, moreover, they allow their graduates to continue and grow their professional career and to shift into a part-time or full-time academic career. Join us to discuss the secrets of how to design and maintain top quality global DBA programs. Three wonderful speakers from three continents will share the best practices of the DBA programs they manage. Key takeaways: Understanding the differences (in terms of goals, target students, program management, learning outcomes, and outputs) between DBA and PhD programs Understanding the similarities and differences of the highest-quality DBA programs around the globe; learning about the essential features of successful DBA programs Comprehending benefits and opportunities of a high-profile DBA program in the educational institution Envisioning potential challenges when maintaining top quality and attractiveness of a DBA program
Friday Sep. 3
Jordi Blanes i Vidal from LSE will present The Effect of Advisors Incentives on Clients Investments.Though it's in the theory seminar given its IO/contracts nature, the paper's contents are highly and mostly empirical, and finance and macro-flavored, as you can tell from the abstract and attached paper. All faculty and students are welcome. Dr Jordi Blanes i Vidal is Associate Professor of Managerial Economics and Strategy in the Department of Management at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Prior to this he was a Prize Research Fellow at Nuffield College, Oxford University. During 2007 he was also a visiting scholar at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). He received his PhD and Master's, both in economics, from LSE and his BA in economics from the University of Valencia. His expertise includes organizational economics, political economy, leadership, and human resource management. His papers have appeared in journals such as Review of Economic Studies, RAND Journal of Economics, Journal of Law and Economics, and American Economic Review. If you would like to meet Jordi, please sign up here:: The password for the virtual zoom event is: msutheory
Tuesday Sep. 7
For this webinar, we invited three international business/marketing scholars who have recently published important work on the measurement of cultural distance. Specifically, our panelists will discuss their research addressing contemporary conceptual and methodological best practices for using cultural distance in international marketing/business research. This webinar will include short presentations followed by a discussion moderated by the co-hosts. To register, please click the link under the website.
Wednesday Sep. 8
Carla Bailo, is the President and CEO of the Center for Automotive Research (CAR), and is a leader in engineering and vehicle program management with 35 years of experience in the automotive industry. Glenn Stevens Jr., is the executive director of MICHauto and serves as the Detroit Regional Chambers vice president of automotive and mobility initiatives. In this role, Stevens provides strategic direction and leadership to the MICHauto program in its efforts to promote, grow and retain Michigans automotive and next-generation mobility industries. They will be joined by Trevor Pawl, Chief Mobility Officer, Office of Future Mobility and Electrification, his office works across state government, academia, and private industry to enhance Michigans mobility ecosystem, including developing dynamic mobility, and electrification policies and supporting the startup and scale up of emerging technologies and businesses. Please register using the link under Website
Thursday Sep. 9
Featuring: Dr. Liesl Riddle, George Washington University School of Business, US Dr. Andreas Schotter, Ivey Business School, Canada Webinar Jointly Organized by AIB Teaching & Education SIG and GSU CIBER MBA programs are an essential part of executive development globally. Ability to provide managers with frameworks and insights that would help developing their businesses further ensures the success of an MBA program. However, how can universities and academic faculty teaching in them ensure that MBA education reflects fast-pacing realities of disruptive business environment? How can MBAs incorporate state-of-art knowledge from the world of practice without compromising demands for the academic rigorousness? What materials, teaching methods, and teaching approaches should dominate MBA programs to train managers operating in constant uncertainty and change? Join us to discuss these and many other essential questions with two outstanding educators and program managers who brought MBA education in their schools to new heights. This webinar is free to attend, but you must register in advance using the link listed under Website
Thursday Sep. 16 - Oct. 28
Join us for a three-part webinar on how to write a compact case in business. Compact cases are emerging as a new case format. They are typically under 1,000 words. Hear from our expert, Dr. Rebecca Morris, on how to develop, research, prepare instructors materials, and publish a compact case. The first webinar will cover specifics and approaches on how to develop a compact case. Registrants will then have to opportunity to develop their own case and submit it for judging. During the second webinar we will award three compact case submissions U.S. $150 and discuss dos and donts as key learning objectives. The final webinar will cover how to prepare an instructors manual and submission for publication of your case. Registration is FREE and open to all, but required. Please click on the Website url to register.
Wednesday Sep. 22
China Corner Office'spodcast organized in partnership withSupChina, the leading media platform for China-related news and insights, and the US-China Business Council, a non-profit, nonpartisan organization that represents over 250 companies doing business with China, many of them Fortune 500 firms. In every state, there is a unique ecosystem that supports trade with China and other countries that track the national situation to varying degrees. This episode examines how firms in Michigan have continued to do business with China in recent years and what are the resources available to Michigan companies who are interested in exporting. Speakers: Chris Marquis - Moderator (Cornell University), Erkan Kocas (MSU-CIBER),Mark Becker (Cherry Central Co-Op), Kendra Kuo (U.S. Commercial Service), Alyssa Tracey (MEDC) For the live event, there were 92 people that registered to attend. For the Youtube video, there are 47 views For the Podcast, there are 316 listens